MEDICAL NEWS TODAY Voted Best App for Cravings in 2022.
VOTED! #1 Stop Smoking App in ‘The Sunday Times “THE APPS LIST – The 500 Best Apps in the World.“ Voted Best Quit Smoking Apps of 2018! NEWS! Voted #1 MEDICAL App Jan 2017 on iTunes App Store.

Proven Success
Craving Buster

Avoid Weight
Many Extras
Amazing Value
Max Kirsten is an Award-winning internationally recognised British Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a leading Smoking Cessation Specialist.
His many clients include: Adele, Tom Hardy, Ewan McGregor, Liam Payne and many celebrities from film, music, business world including CEO’s and senior politicians. However, Max wants to help smokers from 'all walks of life' to break their addiction to nicotine (including other new nicotine products like the #1 vape called the JUUL, and all e-cigs, vapes, patches, sprays, lozenges and gums), and to quit wherever you are living in the world.
His award-winning Quit Smoking Now App, first created in 2009, now digitally re-mastered, uses the most advanced cognitive hypnotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Prgramming, (NLP). All the hypnosis recordings were created in a 'state-of-the-art' recording studio with full-stereo Imaging, including the latest ‘Future Pacing’, and ‘Analogue Marking’ techniques, combined with breakthrough techniques in Advanced Hypnosis combined with ‘Binaural Beat’ Technology, with encoded (Alpha,Theta, Delta) ‘Brainwave Entrainment Frequencies’.
Buy 'Quit Smoking NOW'
Note: If you want to stop smoking using this advanced hypnosis NLP CBT app will help dramatically increase your chances of success.
It cannot however make you do something that you don’t want to do. For instance if you think you should stop, but haven’t yet fully committed to making that choice, you will fail. You have to be ready and completely determined to quit. ‘Will-power’ is still very much required. * Please note: That results may vary from person to person.
*Please note: This app is contra-indicated for pregnant women, epileptics and clinical depression. For more information please visit the app's contra-indications page here.